Thursday, May 3, 2007

a GREAT nights sleep.

so last nite i had the BEST SLEEP.
yesterday while shopping we decided to finaly treat outselves and get some decent bed sheets, i wanted egyptian cotton as they feel sooooooooo nice.
anyway upon seing they were $199 i thought hmmmmmmm no way can buy so much more with that.
then ayesha the great bargain shopper that she is spotted some marked down to, $58.99!!!
well we just couldnt not buy them at that price, thats like a quarter of the price
it came with TWO fitted sheets, and 4 pillowcases so we can have a spare for the spare room for our visitors to sleep in luxury like us LOL

they are so silky and soft, and ahhh i could stay in bed all day.

today im not upto much, i have a few things to list for my mum on ebay, then make a few more invites for dads birthday...i love making them its just when u make ALOT of them its getting boring, and i want to play around on other things.

its also a cyber crop weekend, so ill hopefuly be able to go in that!!!! :D

i bought a whole heap of primas last nite on usa ebay they were just so cheap, in bags of like 100 for a dollar, and miss di got in on the action so cant wait to get them in the post :D


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